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제목 영한 1급 1교시
작성자   관리자 작성일자 2014.11.21 조회수 13715
영·한 번역 1급 1교시
[제한시간 70분, 50점]

※ 다음 문제를 모두 한국어로 번역하시오.

[문제 1]
Men and women is equal, to be sure. (Or at least, should be!) But I am an abashed "difference feminist," as it's labeled. There is no doubt―I think, beyond a shadow of a doubt―that men and women are different. As you read through this book, you'll learn that differences in men's and women's attitudes, aptitudes, and abilities have developed through a combination of biological factors, like chromosomes and hormones, and behavioral causes, like evolutionary roles and cultural socialization. They are factual findings.

[문제 2]
To the reader I want to win I say: don't judge us before you have tried us. It may be that the last few years have been a time of creative ebb in literature; but it may also be that the tide is at last turning. It may even be that the writers were there all the time, but concealed from view, lacking a platform on which to show their skills, on which to gain the assurance to become truly themselves. It may be that they need time for that, after so long in the shadows: don't condemn us then too early. Above all, don't condemn us for not being what we never intended to be, or could be. Twenty years ago there were several excellent literary magazines in existence in England; but there was still a need for another kind of magazine, to express the sense that appeared to be growing in a whole generation, and in many countries at the same time, that literature had to come out of what seemed at that moment an airless room, and acknowledge the truth of D. H. Lawrence's prophecy: 'I know that a change is coming―and I know we must have a more generous and more human system based on the life values and not on money values.' Out of that feeling New Writing was born. Today much of the change Lawrence foresaw has taken place; and, inevitably not the millennium, has brought it quite different dangers, quite different needs in the world of art. Today, while the hopeful beginning of one opportunity for writers in the birth of Stephen Spender's Encounter is almost immediately followed by the lamentable ending of another kind of opportunity for them in the death of Dr. Leavis's Scrutiny, the need is to keep the creative spirit alive and athletic against more impalpable―and perhaps therefore more insidious―forces that cannot be visualized so concretely as a Hitler or Mussolini. No 'ideologies' are likely to help writers today to write. It is the obstinate will to create, whatever form it takes, that must be fanned and fed, like a fire when the rain has been coming down the chimney all night.

다음글  영한 1급 2교시-인문과학