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제목 영한 2급 1교시
작성자   관리자 작성일자 2014.11.21 조회수 12340
영·한 번역 2급 1교시
[제한시간 70분, 50점]
※ 다음 문제를 모두 한국어로 번역하시오.

[문제 1]

(a) Our Asian cultures teach us moderation in everything we do, and it is not for us to conquer nature but rather to live in harmony with it. We should refuse to join in the rat race that causes high blood pressure.(b) Whatever his home was like, it must have been a good one to grow up in. No child who lacked affection or security could have been as good-humored and friendly as he was.(c) All the educator can do is to surround the student with a rich variety of intellectual and personal experience with a view to quickening his mind and emotions into action. (d) She knows now that there are, in the air she breathes every day, sounds that her ears cannot discern, listen as she may, and lights that his eyes cannot distinguish, strain them as he may. (e) Naturally alert and bright, he extracted from every experience in life all the lessons that it could teach him. His love of reading he satisfied whenever he found it possible, and was never happier than when absorbed in his books.


[문제 2]

Experts gathered on Wednesday to figure out how to halt the rapid spread of bird flu through Asia, which has killed at least eight people and threatens to develop into an epidemic more terrifying than SARS. Their task was huge now that the virulent virus struck in China, the birthplace of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The world's most populous nation is home to a vast poultry industry. So overwhelming is the job of killing tens of millions of domestic birds in hopes of removing the breeding grounds of the virus, international organizations have launched an urgent appeal for the money and expertise to fight an all-out war on it. The great fear is that the avian flu virus might mate with human influenza and unleash a pandemic among people with no immunity to it. So far, there is no evidence of people-to-people transmission. Humans infected so far are believed to have caught the virus directly from birds. But experts say no matter how remote the possibility, they fear it could happen and the WHO underlined that by launching its appeal with the Food and Agricultural Organization and the world Organization for Animal Health. A bird flu outbreak in China was what experts dreaded most given the speed at which the virus spreads.

이전글  한영 1급 2교시
다음글  영한 2급 2교시-인문과학