영·한 번역 3급 1교시 [제한시간 70분, 50점]
※ 다음 문제를 모두 한국어로 번역하시오.
1. (1) Much will be done if we do but try. Nobody knows what we can do till he has tried; and few try their best till they have been forced to do it.
(2) Political language is designed to make lies truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
(3) The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things.
(4) He looked very young in his pyjamas and, as was natural at his age, he had awakened fresh, with all the lines smoothed out of his face.
(5) Talent is by no means rare in the world; nor is even genius. But the talent be trusted? - can the genius? Not unless based on truthfulness - on veracity.
2. It is philosophy, not science, that teaches us the difference between right and wrong and directs us to the goods that befit our nature. Just as the productive utility of science derives from its accurate description of the way things behave, so the moral utility of philosophy derives from its profound understanding of the ultimate realities that underlie the phenomena which science studies. Each kind of knowledge answers questions that the other cannot answer, and that is why each is useful in a different way. In my judgment it is philosophy, not science, which should be uppermost in any culture or civilization, simply because the questions it can answer are more important for human life. Certainly it should be clear that the more science we posses, the more we need philosophy, because the more power we have, the more we need direction.