영·한 번역 3급 2교시 [제한시간 70분, 50점]
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Europe's top food makers are under pressure on two fronts. With rampant commodity costs forcing them to raise prices, hard-pressed consumers are opting for cheaper products while critics insist that the industry is milking the situation. Wheat and soy are at their highest ever levels while coffee and cocoa are more expensive than they have been for decades and there are no signs of a let up any time soon. Already some people have accused the food industry and retailers of profiting from the sharp rise in commodity prices, while others say interest rate cuts in Europe and the United States may help stoke this food inflation. Demand continues to rocket as supply dries up due to poor weather in key growing areas, alternative use for biofuel production and burgeoning demand in fast-growing economies such as China and India. Adding to upward pressure on prices investment funds' near obsession with commodities has intensified as global stock and bond markets continue to struggle, and they see commodities as a good bet for their capital amid a global inflationary environment.
American may be getting lonelier and more isolated, with people relying more on family and making fewer close friends and confidants from clubs and the neighborhood than ever before. So training your mate may be essential. Both sexes would be better off following the lead of animal trainers and ignoring irritating bad behavior. However, it may be hard for men to use compliments to alter female behavior because women give and get so many polite or insincere compliments from other women that they're immune to flattering words. But that doesn't mean that men aren't manipulative. Both sexes are busy manipulating each other. Women will nag and men will tease. There's a kind of teasing that's just cloaked nagging. Anthropological studies suggest it might be easier for men to train women because women are better at reading the emotions in your voice, better at seeing things in their peripheral vision, better at seeing in the dark. So just the man's tone of voice as opposed to even the words could be rewarding.
Using genetic engineering(GE), researchers can create organisms that will readily produce many substances of value to science, medicine, and technology. Among the benefits that we may soon expect from the biotechnological revolution are methods to diagnose diseases; and to understand the aging process and slow its genetic defects, to enhance the strength and intelligence of unborn children and to improve our understanding of the human brain and how it works. It can hardly be said with certainty, however, that findings from this project would automatically improve the welfare of humankind. History shows that great scientific achievements, if improperly utilized, can bring about misfortune. Most worrisome is the possibility of persons being discriminated against on the basis of genes. Persons possessing defective genes could be considered flawed and unfit and subjected to bias. For example, employers might be tempted to use predictive genetics so that they may save money by rejecting workers who are predisposed to develop chronic diseases.